Bring A Dash Of Colour To Your Windows With Conservatory, Window & Door Outlet

When thinking about residential windows you usually associate them with being white in colour. White is usually the colour of choice for most homes as they are seen to suit the existing look of most traditional and contemporary properties. However we at Conservatory, Window and Door Outlet disagree, as although white coloured frames are our most popular type of frame sold, there are alternative colours available which we feel are just as good a substitute.

Windows in Bradford can hugely influence how visitors and potential buyers rate your home, as untidy and worn windows can unfortunately bring down the whole look of a home all on their own. Our replacement uPVC windows with double glazing in Halifax are not only available in traditional white, but we also offer frames in oak and rosewood.

Because our oak and rosewood frames have a natural wood grain feel, they could easily be mistaken for wooden timber frames. But as opposed to real wooden timber frames which require constant maintenance and are susceptible to rotting, flaking and warping, our coloured uPVC equivalents are virtually maintenance free, meaning that they will last for years down the line. We even provide a ten year guarantee on all our windows, so confident are we in their capabilities and staying power.

You can even have the inside of frames finished in one of the three colours so that not only is the outside of the home co-ordinated with its overall look, but your interior design can be complimented by your windows too.  Best of all we are offering 30% off all our window types.

If you fancy any of our windows or conservatories in Yorkshire, then get yourself a free quotation online or get yourself down to our Mirfield showroom to see for yourself how Conservatory, Window and Door Outlet can drag your home into the 21st century.


We’d love to see you in our Mirfield showroom, where you can sit down with one of our very experienced consultants and chat through all the requirements you have.


Want to speak with an Advisor? Give us a call on 0800 542 0165

Our friendly team will be pleased to help with any questions you may have.

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