Replacement Windows

As a nation of home owners we all tend to be quite house conscious. Therefore much of our leisure time is spent making improvements to our homes and gardens. There are several things which we can do to improve the outside of our properties but arguably the thing which can make the biggest difference is to install replacement windows and Double Glazing. The great thing about Replacement Windows and double glazing is that they will not only improve the look of your home but they will also help to add value to your property.

If you live in an older property then the likelihood is that you will be losing a lot of heat through your windows. They are likely to be poorly insulated and there maybe gaps and cracks in the frames. replacement windows and Double Glazing will help to solve this problem. As the name suggests double glazing is made from two panes of glass with a small gap between them and they are then sealed. It is actually the gap in between the two panes which acts as an insulator and helps to keep the heat within the house. Replacement windows are now commonly made using uPVC frames therefore eliminating the issue with them rotting or cracking like traditional timber framed windows.


When it comes to improving the look of your property replacement windows come in a variety of designs and colours meaning that there is a style to complement virtually any house. If you live in a tradition house then there are windows available which are made to look like traditional sash windows. If however you live in a modern property there are a range of colours to choose from such as grey, green, rustic cherry, cream or black to help give your home a truly modern look.

If you are concerned that your windows will no longer match with your doors there is a range of doors also available in PVC which will allow you to match them up perfect. There are even French and patio doors meaning that your whole house can be coordinated.

For more information on Replacement Windows please visit our website or call into your local show room.


We’d love to see you in our Mirfield showroom, where you can sit down with one of our very experienced consultants and chat through all the requirements you have.


Want to speak with an Advisor? Give us a call on 0800 542 0165

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