uPVC Window Range

Here at Conservatory Window and Door Outlet we are very proud of the products we offer.

uPVC Windows are a very important product, they cut down on drafts and offer security to your home. They also offer many other advantages and will help to save you money over time. This is even more-so with Energy Rated Windows helping to improve the environment and build towards a greener tomorrow.

On top of this our uPVC Window range has been expanded with brand new colours, so now you have even more opportunity to achieve the exact look that you want from your windows.

green windows

The colours that are available for our uPVC Window Range are woodgrain white, green, black, rustic cherry, gray and cream.

That’s even more reasons to visit our showrooms and see the quality of our products for yourself.


We’d love to see you in our Mirfield showroom, where you can sit down with one of our very experienced consultants and chat through all the requirements you have.


Want to speak with an Advisor? Give us a call on 0800 542 0165

Our friendly team will be pleased to help with any questions you may have.

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